Difference between cast and convert
Syntax of cast and convert is as follows,
( (1) Select cast(<varchar-value> as int) from
( (2) Select Convert(int, <varchar-value>) from
There are two types of conversion of data format from one
format to another, they are implicit and explicit,
Implicit way of conversion includes the server automatically
converts the data without requiring the user to input any external data or
Explicit way of conversion is where server accepts user input
to covert the data to his desired format.
use temp1
create table dbo.custr (cuid int, custaddress varchar(50))
insert into dbo.custr values (1, '560056')
select CAST(custaddress as int)as value from dbo.custr
select CONVERT(int,custaddress) as value from dbo.custr
In above example column custaddress is having
datatype of varchar which is of length of 50, we extracted the data in the
format of int by using cast and covnert functions.